21 Practical Tips to Lose Belly Fat on a WFPB Diet

21 Practical Tips to Lose Belly Fat on a WFPB Diet

This is a list of practical tips to lose belly fat on a WFPB (Whole Food Plant-Based) Diet.

In fact:

The strategies in this post helped Erica lose belly fat in 30 days.

Cropped woman in jeans showing heart symbol on grey background

So, if you want to lose belly fat and manage your weight, you’ll love this list of tips, techniques, and strategies.

Today, I will show you the practical tips and strategies I used to lose belly fat. I got astounding results.

Let’s look at the tips and strategies:

  • Cut the oil for belly fat loss.
  • What is the plant-based meal to you?
  • Keep meal planning simple.
  • Get strategic for satiety.
  • Importance of Labels: Why You Should Pay Attention
  • Practicing Mindful Eating for Belly Fat Burning
  • Gain Mastery Over Calorie Density
  • Stay Away from Drinks with High-Calorie Content
  • Eat Lots of Fibre-Rich Foods
  • Watch Out for Vegan Junk Foods
  • Keep Added Sugars and Salt Low
  • Cut any Animal-Based Product from Your Diet
  • Steer Clear of Highly Processed Foods
  • Cut Out on Starchy Foods
  • Maintain a Well-Balanced Diet for Your Meals
  • Stay Well-Hydrated for Burning Belly Fat
  • Move Your Body.
  • Find Food Options That You Love
  • Please Your Hunger with a Snack
  • Make Sure You Eat Every Meal
  • Make Sure to Get Enough Sleep

Let’s get to it…

Cut the Oil for Belly Fat Loss


We know that many of us are addicted to oily foods.

One of the powerful things about whole food being plant-based is eliminating oil.

The difference is in the calorie intake.

Muscle gain vs Fat loss Chart

Source: betterweightloss.club

Research published in 2017 shows that a whole food plant-based diet without fat or oil cuts belly fat within weeks.

I know at this point you’re complaining.

“What kind of meal would that be without oil?”

Let me tell you…

Whole food that is plant-based and without oil is tasty.

What’s more:

You’ll watch your belly fat melt and flatten. You will surprise your friends and colleagues.

You can cook your meals without fat or oil…

Source: Evita Ochel

What stops you from Cooking Without Fat and burning your belly fat?


What is the whole food plant-based diet?

What is a Plant-Based Meal to You?

One of the powerful things about whole food plant-based is that it stands on its own.

How’s that?

The significant difference between vegan, vegetarian, and plant-based is that it eliminates oil. It also focuses on whole foods and plants.

It avoids processed foods at all costs.

Who doesn’t know that fries are vegetarian? Are they healthy and help in reducing weight?

No ways…

That’s where a whole food plant-based diet comes in for losing belly fat. It sticks to its principles.

Eat whole foods, plant-based, without oil. Cut out on starchy foods and reduce plant-based fats like nuts, avocados, and seeds.

To start your journey for belly fat loss, you need a clear understanding of plant-based foods.

Plant-Based vs Vegan Chart

Source: www.forksoverknives.com

Don’t just follow any promoted plant-based foods, but a whole food plant-based diet.

The choice is yours.

Keep Meal Planning Simple

Meal planning is critical to belly fat burning.

If you need help with how to do your effective meal planning, don’t panic.

We’ve got you covered.

(Image or video on meal planning)

So, plan your meals to support your belly fat loss program.

Here’s what to do.

To make meal planning more accessible and organized, follow these steps:

  • Choose the meals and snacks you intend to eat for the upcoming week and add them to your calendar. You can use a meal-planning app or a calendar that you hang on your fridge.
  • Once you have all the necessary items, set aside a few hours each week (try to stick to the same day) to prepare your food.

Meal prep includes chopping up fruits and vegetables and cooking grains.

  • You can cook meals in advance and store them in batches. Or, you can cook each meal fresh, knowing you are done with prep work.
  • Keep your food well-organized by storing everything in clear containers.
  • Label each container with the food item’s name and purchase date.

This labelling will help you find what you need and keep track of freshness.

Your body will thank you as you watch belly fat melting away.

Get Strategic for Satiety

Are you doing your push-ups and running well?

But after that, you grab a plate full of food to satisfy your hunger.

Didn’t science tell us that you don’t feel hungry after exercising?

What’s the catch here?

Hunger is a complex sensation.

Two hormones help regulate it. They only provide a small glimpse into the intricate process.

Ghrelin and how it affects appetite chart

Source: Blogspot.com

Ongoing research is uncovering more about the chemical messengers that control our hunger. Scientists have made some of these discoveries in the past decade.

These are the top recommendations for feeling full and managing hunger based on current knowledge.

  • Incorporate high-protein foods into your diet. Options include tofu, cottage cheese, yoghurt, and nuts.
  • Consume high-fibre foods like leafy greens, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.
  • Mindful eating. Chew your food and swallow it before taking another bite.

(More on mindful eating later)

Importance of Labels: Why You Should Pay Attention

What’s the fuss about labels?

And what have labels got to do with losing belly fat?

Many plant-based companies are labelling their products as “plant-based foods”.

Yet, companies promote these food products as healthy plant-based alternatives.

Can these foods be without oil, salt, and sugar?

I have my doubts.

This practice is where paying attention to labelling will help you.

Perhaps you’re wondering…

What should you be looking for?

Remember, you aim to lose belly fat on your whole food plant-based diet.


  • Keep an eye on foods that will nourish your body.
  • Check the calories on the food package.
  • Discover the ingredients of the food you are purchasing.

Practicing Mindful Eating for Belly Fat Burning

Here we come again…mindful eating.


Losing belly fat on a whole food plant-based diet doesn’t mean eating any food.

Every individual has different approaches to their food intake.

 A banana can be good for me but fatal for you.

So, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • How food makes you feel.
  • Be aware of your food choices.
  • Avoid distractions while you’re eating.
  • Make food decisions based on your body’s response.

Here’s the deal:

Common sense is king in dictating how and what you should eat.

Gain Mastery Over Calorie Density

Eating low-calorie and nutrient-dense foods is your best friend for losing belly fat.

A whole food plant-based diet is the qualifying candidate for such meals. (Scientific evidence proves it)

How can you turn the tables to your advantage here?

  • Avoid becoming too hungry before eating.
  • Cut foods that are high in fat. Foods such as nuts, avocados, and soy products.
  • Aim for 100% adherence for the first 3 – 4 weeks.
  • Eat lower-calorie-density food.

Rip Esselysten puts it very clearly…

Stay Away from Drinks with High-Calorie Content

Who wants to avoid sipping in 100% juice?

After all, it’s one hundred per cent pure perfect. Or is it?

These juices have a high-calorie content.

What about my sodas, fruit juices, smoothies, energy drinks, and alcohol? After all, you need power and energy to work.


Run away from them as if your house is under fire. It’s your body you’re protecting.

Bottle of Coke and a half filled glass on table

Pexels/Karolina Grabowska

What you drink affects your health and how you weigh.

You can drink…

  • Water
  • Green tea, and
  • Apple cider vinegar

Are you going to starve?

No way…

Eat Lots of Fibre-Rich Foods

Research indicates that consuming soluble fibre can aid in weight loss. It can also reduce belly fat.

Additionally, soluble fibre acts as a natural appetite suppressant.

There are two fibres: insoluble fibre and soluble fibre.

These two types differ in how they interact with water in your body. Insoluble fibre does not dissolve in water and works as a substance that adds bulk.

It helps form stool and facilitates its passage through the gut. This facilitation can be beneficial for relieving constipation.

Soluble fibre beta-glucan and glucomannan with water to create a thick, gel-like substance. This action is different from insoluble fibre.

This substance slows the release of digested food from the stomach into the gut.

Increasing your soluble fibre intake can also help you lose belly fat. It can also prevent its accumulation.

Foods rich in soluble fibre, like flaxseeds, sweet potatoes, apricots, oranges, Brussels sprouts, legumes, and oatmeal, can help lose weight. They may be accommodating in reducing belly fat.

But, consuming a large amount of soluble fibre all at once is not advisable.


You’ll be turning good food fibre into a junky (sort of) food.

Watch Out for Vegan Junk Foods

Why are we even talking about vegan junk foods?

(You don’t know?)

Some call themselves vegan yet eat junk foods.

Let me explain…

A junk food vegan follows a vegan diet but often eats processed foods.

Laboratories produce these processed foods.

Examples of these foods include well-known Oreo cookies. They also include different types of vegan “cheeses” and other meat swaps.

Eat natural foods and watch your belly fat melt away.

Keep Added Sugars and Salt Low

Natural sugar, like the kind found in fruit, is beneficial when consumed in moderation.

But, excessive consumption of added sugar can hinder weight loss efforts. And raise the risk of chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

According to Dr Nikola Djordjevic, added sugars lack nutritional value. In contrast, naturally occurring sugars in foods and beverages have nutritional value.

Unfortunately, added sugar has found its way into many everyday food items. It’s in cereal, granola bars, bread, and beverages.

Consuming excessive amounts of added sugar strains the liver. The liver struggles to process it and converts it into fat.

Several studies have shown that high levels of fructose, a type of sugar, can lead to increased fat in the belly and liver.

What can you do then…

Eat low-sugar fruits like blackberries, strawberries, honeydew, and peaches. They satisfy our sweet cravings.

Or, you can explore low-carb dessert recipes.

Cut Any Animal-Based Products from Your Diet

Growing up, I was fortunate not to like meat, cheese, and dairy.

But few people are like me. Cutting animal-based products has become a steep hill.

Transitioning from animal-based products to plant-based foods needs patience.

Cut these foods gradually to adjust your body system.

Ultimately, cut all animal-based products and see yourself lean and mean.

Steer Clear of Highly Processed Food


I know. Losing weight, especially belly fat, poses a challenge, but individuals can achieve it.

Why is that so?

The most challenging hurdle to overcome is avoiding processed foods.

They are everywhere…in every corner of the street.

If that is not tempting enough… you’re more heavenly than some of us.

Some foods contain high amounts of sugar, refined carbohydrates, and fat while lacking essential nutrients such as protein and fibre. These foods can hinder weight loss efforts and adversely affect your overall health.

Many people focus only on reducing their calorie intake to lose weight.

But, it is also essential to consider the types of foods you consume.

 So, eating foods rich in protein and fibre can help you feel fuller for longer, which may support weight loss.

So, consuming too many foods high in sugar, refined carbs, or fat can increase your calorie intake without providing beneficial nutrients. Eating calorie-dense foods makes weight loss more difficult.

Here are foods that you should avoid when trying to lose weight.

  • French fries and potato chips
  • White bread
  • Candy bars
  • Pastries, cookies, and cakes
  • Ice cream – make your frozen dessert.
  • Commercially made pizzas.

You can make your homemade recipes to please your taste buds.

Cut Out on Starchy Foods

Calories pack starchy carbohydrates.

By eliminating them from your diet, you remove a significant calorie source.

Removing these starchy carbs helps with weight loss throughout your body. It includes slimming your belly.

Avoid these foods:

  • PastaPotatoes
  • White bread
  • White rice
  • Corn, and
  • Cereals

Source: Healthy

(What on earth is this leading to? No food to eat!)

Please don’t panic; I have you covered.

You can enjoy these foods without any guilt.

  • Whole-grain pasta
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Brown rice.

Always remember that a whole food and plant-based diet will help you lose belly fat.

Maintain a Well-Balanced Diet for Your Meals

Do this, and you’re a star in the making.

In the arena of belly fat loss while using the WFPB diet.

So, can you maintain a well-balanced diet?

And what are we talking about here…

A balanced diet meets all a person’s nutritional requirements.

To stay healthy, humans need a specific number of calories and nutrients.

Obtaining a balanced diet ensures the intake of all necessary nutrients. It also ensures that the recommended daily calorie intake is within the limit.

A balanced diet can give you the essential nutrients and calories you need. They can also avoid unhealthy junk food or nutritionally deficient food.

So, consume a whole food plant-based diet with all its variety.

Variety of Whole Food Plant-Based

Stay Well-Hydrated for Burning Body Fat

Proper hydration is crucial for weight loss. It affects digestion and muscle function.

Women should aim for approximately 2 litres of water per day. It will ensure they stay adequately hydrated. Men should aim for around 3 litres.

Drinking enough water can facilitate weight loss.

How can you maintain hydration for your body to lose weight?

Tips for Increasing Your Water Intake

Here are some helpful tips to drink more water:

  • Make sure to have an 8-ounce glass of water with every meal.
  • Carry a reusable water bottle with you.
  • Drink extra water when you are exercising or engaging in physical activity.
  • Drink more water when the weather is warm, humid, or sunny.
  • Keep a glass of water near your bed.
  • Incorporate soups and liquid-rich meals like curries, stews, and smoothies into your diet.
  • Make sure to incorporate fruits and vegetables with a high water content into your meals. For example, berries, grapes, melons, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, and lettuce.

Move Your Body

Storing excess fat around your midsection increases the risk of chronic diseases.

Men with a waist circumference over 102 cm tend to have abdominal obesity. Women who have a waist circumference over 88 cm have abdominal obesity. Having more of a waistline is a health concern.

One of the practical ways to reduce belly fat is to walk for exercise regularly.

After using tips for the best whole food plant-based diet for losing belly fat, don’t sit and watch your favourite movie or news.

It would be best if you took a walk.

Woman standing on background while people walking on promenade.


Find Food Options That You Love


I recommend the best diet to help you lose belly fat. However, if you hate the recommended food, you won’t succeed.

That’s a fact!

Eat food that you enjoy and love eating.

Once you do that, you’ve already won your battle with belly bulging.

WFPB’s diet has excellent and nutritious foods. But prepare meals that you love.

Satisfy Your Hunger with a Snack

I don’t know about you.

I snack when hungry rather than eat a full meal or cross the room at night to the fridge.

Snacking refers to eating smaller portions of food between meals.

Choose snacks that contain protein, fibre, and healthy fats. Eating these will help you stay full throughout the day.

Snacking helps with weight loss. Evidence suggests that snacking more often can help manage hunger. It can also improve sugar regulation.

In addition, snacking can help increase the intake of nutrient-rich foods like fruits and vegetables. Most people need to eat more of these.

By planning and focusing on nutrient-rich foods, snacks can help you lose belly fat.

These nutrient-rich foods manage hunger and keep you satisfied between meals.

These are the top healthy snacks for reducing belly fat.

  • Homemade trails mixed with dried fruit.
  • Plant-based yoghurt with Berries.
  • Apple slices with Nut Butter.

Get more snack recipes here.

Make Sure You Eat Every Meal

Excess belly fat not only makes your favourite shirt 2tight. It is also associated with a higher risk for diseases like type 2 diabetes. And also heart disease.

Visceral fat is a type of fat that is stored in the abdomen and surrounds your vital organs.

No magical diet targets belly fat. Yet, research shows that avocados and chickpeas can help reduce your midsection.

It is critical to eat all your meals.

From your breakfast to dinner. Meal planning plays an essential part here.

You deserve to rest after all you’ve done. You implemented tips to lose belly fat on a whole food plant-based (WFPB) diet.

Make Sure to Get Enough Sleep

Sleeping 7 to 8 hours each night is essential. It regulates hormones and controls appetite and cravings.

When your body is not well-rested, it cannot effectively support weight loss or fat release.

Poor sleep habits can negatively impact stress levels, hormone regulation, and metabolic rhythms.

Lack of sleep spikes the hunger hormone ghrelin. This increase can lead to mindlessly eating high-calorie foods.

It is because the body needs more energy to function when sleep-deprived.

 However, getting good sleep can be challenging.

You can improve your sleep quality by practising good sleep habits, such as:

  • Avoid phone use before bed.
  • And setting a consistent bedtime.

Alcohol may initially help you relax. However, it can disrupt your sleep during the night. So, it’s best to limit yourself to one drink with dinner, if any.

I recommend avoiding alcohol in your whole food plant-based diet.

You’ll thank me for it.


Now it’s your turn.

This post has provided practical tips for losing belly fat on a whole food plant-based (WFPB) diet.

 I would like to hear your thoughts.

Which tip or technique from this post are you willing to try first?

Will you start by cutting out oil or eliminating all processed foods from your meals?

 Or, you could start a belly fat loss coaching program using these techniques.

Either way, please let me know in the comments section below.

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