Zozo Mushroom Stir-Fry Recipe

From an early age, mushrooms have always been my favourite.
You may wonder. Where were the mushrooms in the rural villages of KZN?
After every thunderstorm, there was always a feast of harvest, the harvest of mushrooms.
Mushroom stir-fry was the norm. Not the stir fry over the stove or on the skillet. It was the mushroom stir fry on the mountains over wattle wood. And without oil.
Mushroom stir-fry is my favourite quick, easy, and delicious meal.

Zozo Mushroom Stir-Fry
Delicious stri-fry filled with antioxidants and other phytonutrients to benefit your health. quick, easy, and simple to prepare.
- 15 ml cloves garlic sauce
- 10 ml minced ginger sauce
- 45 ml maple syrup sauce
- 2 ml Red Pepper flake sauce
- 30 ml soy sauce sauce
- 15 ml sesame oil
- 30 ml lime juice
- 15 ml water sauce
- 40 grams mushrooms vegetables
- 1 medium Red Bell Pepper vegetables
- 1 cup chopped broccolini vegetables
- 1 cup chopped green onion vegetables
- Cook brown rice to serve with stir-fry
- Clean mushrooms and slice into thin strips.
- Prepare marinade by adding all ingredients to a small mixing bowl andwhisking to combine. Taste and adjust flavor as needed.Add more ginger forbrightness, lime juice for acidity, tamari for saltiness, red pepper flake forheat, or maple syrup for sweetness.
- Add mushrooms to a large shallow dish, and top with marinade. Gently stir/toss to combine. Set aside tomarinate for 10-12 minutes while you prep areyour vegetables. Toss occasionally toevenly coat.
- Chop vegetables and set aside. Once the mushrooms have marinated, heat alarge skillet over medium heat and add a bit of sesame oil. Then add only asmany mushrooms as will fit comfortably in the pan and sauté for two to four minutes on each side or until golden brown and slightly seared.
- Set mushrooms aside and loosely cover to keep warm. Then add redpepper and broccolini to the pan and increase heat to medium-high. Sauté for two to three minutes, stirring frequently.
- Add the green onion (optional) and any remaining mushroom marinade and toss to coat. Cook for one minute. Then remove from heat and serve immediately.Cooking the vegetables for a short time on very high heat will give them a nicesear and prevent them from getting soggy.
- Bon appetit