Health Benefits of Tomatoes in South Africa (Update)

Health Benefits of Tomatoes in South Africa (Update)

Explore the health benefits of tomatoes in South Africa.

Before exploring the benefits of tomatoes, you might ask yourself.

Are tomatoes a fruit or vegetable? What do they do for your body? But more importantly, are they good for you? Or do they have hidden risks?

Most households plant tomatoes.

Guess what?

Their small gardens have a variety of vegetables; amongst those, you will find a small patch of tomatoes.

Tomatoes are excellent and beneficial for one’s health. But what is this tomato?

Tomato – Fruit or Vegetable?

Tomatoes are classified as Solanum lycopersicum. They originate in Mexico but have spread worldwide. Different cultivars are found in other countries, including South Africa.

Are tomatoes fruits or vegetables?

Tomatoes are technically fruits, although they are commonly known as vegetables. Tomatoes fit the botanical definition of fruit because they are a plant’s fleshy parts surrounding its seed. 

They do not have the same sweet flavour as most fruits and lack the natural sugar content of other fruits. 

Types of Tomatoes

Pexels: Duon Nhan

Look around your Woolworths, Checkers, Pick n Pay, or Spar supermarket. There may be two types of tomatoes: big, rounded, and jam tomatoes. However, there are a variety of tomatoes ranging from cherry to vine-ripened. 

Domestic tomatoes, known botanically as Solanum lycopersicum, are genetically similar.

Some of the types most seen in grocery stores and supermarkets consist of:

  • Jam Tomatoes
  • Beefsteak Tomatoes (Green or Red)
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Cocktail Tomatoes

You will find that tomatoes are green when unripe and become red as they ripen. Why are tomatoes red in colour? The red colour in tomatoes comes from lycopene, an antioxidant.

Tomato Nutrition Facts

Tomatoes are a hydrating food due to their moisture content. They contain 95 percent water and five percent fibre.

The nutritional profile of a 100-gram raw tomato contains:

  •  Calories:  18
  • Water:  95%
  •  Protein:  0.9 grams
  •  Carbs:  3.9 grams
  • Sugar:  2.6 grams
  • Fiber:  1.2 grams
  • Fat:  0.2 grams


Simple sugars, glucose, and fructose make up almost 70% of the carb content in tomatoes.


Tomatoes are a good source of fibre. Fiber in tomatoes is insoluble in hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin.

Vitamins and Minerals

Tomatoes contain various vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin C, Potassium, Vitamin K1, and folate.

Other phytochemical Compounds

The main plant compounds in tomatoes are:

  •  Lycopene. A red pigment and antioxidant, lycopene.
  •  Beta carotene is an antioxidant in tomatoes that converts into vitamin A in your body.
  • Naringenin. Flavonoid is found in tomato skin and decrease inflammation. 
  • Chlorogenic acid. It may lower blood pressure in people with elevated levels. 

Chlorophylls and carotenoids like lycopene play a role in the rich colour of tomatoes.


Tomatoes are indeed one of the best sources of lycopene, which reduces inflammation and is beneficial for conditions related to oxidative stress. Lycopene also appears to have potent anticancer properties. 

Lycopene is the most famous tomato antioxidant and appears in other red plant foods. It occurs in the highest concentrations in the skin. 

Lycopene is a carotenoid and is fat-soluble. It is advisable to eat them with some healthy fat.

Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Pexels: Omotoyo Tajudeen

Are tomatoes good for you? What does tomato do to your body? Let us explore these questions by looking at the benefits of eating tomatoes.

Protect Brain Health

Dementia is a cause for concern, for there is no cure.

Studies on tomatoes show promising results in the reduction of Alzheimer’s.

Support Male Fertility

One study examined the effects of a daily 190 grams of tomato juice vs. an antioxidant capsule among male infertility patients for 12 weeks. The antioxidant capsule showed no significant improvements.

Help Immune Function

Studies show vitamin C and beta-carotene in tomato juice may help support the immune system.

Reduce Cancer Risk

Tomatoes are full of antioxidants and can help protect cells from oxidative damage, leading to diseases like cancer. 

Lycopene and beta-carotene are two antioxidants found in tomatoes and possess anticancer properties.

Prostate cancer can be a big problem for men over 65. The antioxidants found in tomatoes help fight the free radicals. Lycopene found in tomatoes is not only beneficial for prostate cancer but also for stomach and lung cancer.

Prostate Cancer can affect a man of any age. Men must start becoming more vigilant about eating a healthier diet. Prostate health care will minimize the risks and increase disease prevention. Harvard University study shows that men who included at least 10 (or more) tomato-based products in their weekly diet showed a reduced risk of prostate cancer by as much as 34%.

Lycopene is the most studied anticancer compound in tomatoes. Lycopene helps prevent prostate cancer and may also help fight gastric cancer

Help in Preventing Type 2 Diabetes

Studies show that lycopene’s antioxidant properties contribute to the prevention of type 2 diabetes. Lycopene can protect cells from damage and reduce inflammation. 

May Help Combat Metabolic Syndrome

· Syndrome X, or Metabolic Syndrome, comes with various symptoms. A metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions that favour increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. 

Many South Africans suffer from Syndrome X. Researchers say that the amount of lycopene in the blood may be associated with favourable changes to the components of metabolic syndrome. Tomatoes are a significant contributor to lycopene.

Aid Digestion

Inadequate fluid and fibre in the body can cause constipation.

Tomatoes’ water content and dietary fibres support hydration and healthy bowel movements. Specifically, the cellulose, hemicelluloses, and pectin fibres do not digest in the large intestine and help form healthy faeces.

Improve Vision

Vitamin A in tomatoes can help improve vision and prevent night blindness and macular degeneration. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant resulting from excess beta-carotene in the body. The harmful effects of free radicals cause vision problems, so vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant, can help prevent them. Vitamin A is essential to rhodopsin, a light-absorbing protein in your retinal receptors.

Tomatoes are also high in vitamin C, which helps blood vessels and tissues in your eyes. 

Tomatoes and Skin Health

Eating tomatoes is considered essential for nourishing the health of your skin. In sunny South Africa, you will do well to include tomatoes in your diet.

Tomatoes and Heart Health

A tomato-rich diet reduces the risk of heart disease.

Research in lycopene shows that the amount of lycopene circulating in your blood is directly proportional to the incidence of heart disease.

Lycopene reduces the risk for inflammatory disorders, such as atherosclerosis. Lycopene further minimizes the build-up of plaque in arteries. The build-up of plague leads to a heart attack or stroke. It also modulates cholesterol. Lycopene also plays a significant role in your protection against atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Anti-Aging Benefits of Eating Tomatoes

The antioxidants in tomatoes help protect against chronic diseases. They also keep your skin looking younger by preventing photo damage. 

One study shows that green tomatoes contain a compound called tomatidine. Tomatine may improve the efficacy and strength of your cellular signalling and even extend your lifespan. 

Protection Against Respiratory Disorders

Lycopene appears to be protective in respiratory conditions like asthma and COPD. 

Risks Associated with Eating Tomatoes

GERD and Acid Reflux

Tomatoes are highly acidic. It is a trigger food for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or acid reflux. 

You must know this if you suffer from GERD or Acid Reflux.


Tomatoes are number 12 on the Environmental Working Group’s annual Dirty Dozen. They are likely to be contaminated by pesticides, and tomatoes grown commercially tend to have this problem.

You better grow your tomatoes yourself to avoid pesticide contamination. 


These are the health benefits of tomatoes in South Africa. Lycopene power in tomatoes will boost your health to an optimum level.

Eat tomatoes and chart a healthy way for vital energy and longevity.

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