Plant-Based Foods High In Magnesium

Plant-Based Foods High In Magnesium

Did you know there’s a powerhouse mineral hiding in plain sight on your grocery store shelves?

Magnesium is vital for many bodily functions.

Take it; it’s vital for your optimal health.

It is abundant in many tasty plant-based foods.

Magnesium is a mineral.

It acts like a maestro in your body, guiding essential processes.


This article explores plant-based foods high in magnesium. It also covers the importance of magnesium in your body.

(Keep that in mind as we continue exploring plant-based food high in magnesium)

Magnesium regulates muscle and nerve function.

It also supports healthy blood sugar and bone density. Magnesium is crucial for well-being.

The good news?

You don’t need meat or dairy to reap the rewards of magnesium.

The plant-based world has many magnesium-rich foods.

They make it easy to add this vital mineral to your diet.

Are you ready to learn about the best plant sources of magnesium?

They unlock a world of health benefits.

Let’s dive in!

Excellent Food Sources of Magnesium: Nature’s Powerhouse Foods

What are the plant-based magnesium sources?

Leafy Green All-Stars

Spinach, Kale, Collard Greens

These vibrant greens are champions when it comes to magnesium content.

A cup of cooked spinach has 39% of your daily magnesium.

Leafy greens contain many vitamins A, C, and K and are a powerhouse beyond magnesium.

Mighty Nuts & Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

Sprinkle these little nutritional gems on salads, yoghurt, or oatmeal.

Just thirty grams of pumpkin seeds provide a whopping 40% of your daily value of magnesium. They’re also a great source of healthy fats, zinc, and iron.

These nuts are great on their own. You can chop them up for a nice crunch in trail mix or granola.

Almonds & Cashews

A few grams of almonds provide 19% of your DV for magnesium, while cashews offer a similar amount. Both are good sources of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.

Chia Seeds

Remember to consider these tiny powerhouses.Chia seeds are a surprising source of magnesium, with two tablespoons offering 8% of your DV.Plus, they contain fibre and omega-3 fatty acids.

Whole Grains For Sustained Energy


This ancient grain is not only a complete protein source but also one of the great sources of magnesium in plant-based foods.

A cup of cooked quinoa satisfies 30% of your daily magnesium requirement.

It’s also high in fibre and complex carbs. They keep you energized all day.

Brown Rice

Swap out white rice for brown rice..

Brown rice has a nutty flavour and a good amount of magnesium. One cup provides about 8% of your DV.

It’s also higher in fibre than white rice.

Legumes & Soy Products: A Protein Powerhouse With Magnesium Goodness

Black Beans & Lentils

These budget-friendly legumes are a fantastic source of plant-based protein and fibre.

237 ml (a cup) of cooked black beans provides 30% of your DV for magnesium, while lentils offer about 18% per cup.


This soy product is versatile. It is an excellent source of complete protein and can be added to many dishes.

Half a cup of firm tofu provides around 8% of your DV for magnesium.

Tips for Maximizing Magnesium Absorption From Plant-Based Foods

Unlocking The Full Potential

We’ve explored plant-based foods high in magnesium.

But did you know there are ways to maximize your body’s ability to absorb it?

Here are some simple tips:

Vitamin C Synergy

Vitamin C acts like a helpful teammate for magnesium absorption.

Incorporate fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C into your diet, along with magnesium-rich foods. These foods include tomatoes, bell peppers, oranges, and berries.

Soak & Sprout For Better Digestion

Phytates, naturally occurring in nuts, seeds, and legumes, can hinder magnesium absorption.

Soaking or sprouting these foods helps break down phytates. This process makes the magnesium more bioavailable.

Limit the Antagonists

Certain dietary factors can compete with magnesium absorption.

Eat fewer processed foods, added sugars, and too much phytic acid. Unsoaked or unsprouted nuts and seeds contain phytic acid.

This eating behaviour will help you absorb magnesium well.

Success Story

From Tired to Thriving

“I used to feel tired all the time. I had muscle cramps,” says Sarah Louw. She has eaten only plants for two years.

“After researching magnesium and incorporating these absorption tips, I noticed a significant difference.

My energy levels soared, and the cramps became a thing of the past. It’s incredible how simple changes can make such a significant impact!”


These tips can boost magnesium absorption. But, ask a doctor or dietitian for help.

They can assess your needs and suggest personalized strategies.


Imagine a world where vibrant health thrives on delicious plant-based foods.

With some planning and new knowledge, you can make magnesium a star in your diet. It’s an achievable goal.

Don’t wait any longer to take charge of your health!

Start incorporating plant-based foods high in magnesium into your meals today.

Do you have a favourite plant-based source of magnesium?

Leave your tips and recipes in the comments below. 

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