The Health Benefits of Eating Bananas in South Africa

The Health Benefits of Eating Bananas in South Africa

Here’s your guide to the health benefits of eating bananas in South Africa.


I have always been a victim to my colleagues for carrying a banana or two in my bag. Honestly, I don’t blame them—I love bananas!

Have you ever seen a monkey munching a banana and wondering why you should be part of this cuisine?

Amongst my top twenty food list, banana tops them all.

You can scoff at me right now, but at the end of the day, you are the one who should visit the doctor, not me.

In this blog article, I’ll share the health benefits of bananas. Together, we will explore their nutritional facts and consider the risks of overeating this delicious fruit.

What about exploring different recipes together? And see why bananas are good for your health and well-being.

What are Bananas?

Bananas are botanically fruits. Bananas are a fruit of the genus Musa acuminata. They are long, pointed and tapering.

Where do bananas originate from? Evidence shows they originated in the Indo-Malaysian Region. However, it is believed New Guinea was the first area to domesticate bananas.

Types of Bananas in South Africa

There are thousands of banana varieties. Common types we usually see in our supermarkets are Cavendish, Plantains, and Gros Michel.

Cavendish is the yellow one that we commonly eat fresh. It is full of nutrients and potassium. Plantains comprise eighty-five per cent of all bananas. You cook plantains before eating them. They are starch and not sweet.

My first encounter with plantains was during my visit to Kenya. Running through my mind was the question – why is my friend cooking bananas? But the recipe I ate that day was delicious.

Gros Michel (not to be mistaken with my former First Lady, Graca Machel) is for desserts. It is richer and sweeter.

Are Bananas Good for You?

As we examine bananas’ health benefits, it will become clear how beneficial they are for your health and well-being.

As mentioned earlier, bananas are the number one food on my top 20 food list. Bananas are the most nutritious fruits, and they are widely consumed globally. Why should people bother to eat this fruit?

It has many health benefits for digestion, heart health, diabetes, and other health conditions.

You may be wondering about my Top 20 food List, which I adore.

Bananas are at the top of the list, followed by kale, broccoli, all greens, carrots, mushrooms, beans, onions, seeds, apples (preferably Golden Delicious and Top Red), tomatoes, sweet potatoes, berries, avocado, and whole grains.

Now that the secret is out, let us look at bananas’ nutrition facts.

Bananas Nutrition Facts

Bananas are nutrient-dense, rich in fibre and antioxidants, and contain vitamins and minerals such as C, B6, and magnesium.

What about the cholesterol in a banana?

Bananas have no cholesterol and are suitable for heart health.

Fibre in a banana helps stop spikes in your blood sugar when eating.

Eating one or two bananas for breakfast will be enough for the day.

The following banana nutrition facts are for one medium-sized banana.

Calories 105

Protein 1 g

Total Fat 0 g

Total Carbohydrates: 27 g

Fibre 3 g

Sugar 14 g

Vitamin C 10.3 mg

Vitamin B6 6 % of the Daily Value (DV)

Potassium 422 mg

Magnesium 31.9 mg

Phosphorus 26 mg

Choline 11.6 mg

Beta carotene 30.7 mcg

Alpha carotene 29.5 mcg

Selenium 1.9 mcg

What Health Benefits Are You Getting When Eating Bananas in South Africa

What health benefits are you getting when eating bananas?

Source: Health Life Guru

Bananas and Blood Pressure

Potassium in bananas is vital in managing blood pressure. Potassium also reduces strain on the cardiovascular system.


My son, Menzi, who was twelve years old, passed away due to asthma. I strongly encourage parents to encourage their children to eat bananas.

Evidence shows that bananas’ oxidants and potassium help prevent asthma in children with asthma.

Bananas and Cancer

Cancer is becoming endemic even in rural areas of South Africa.

Eating bananas can help destroy cancer cells, which can lead to cancer. Lectins are the heroes here in that they fight the free radicals that damage cells.

Are Bananas Good for Heart Health?

Eating potassium-rich foods helps maintain your blood pressure at an optimal level.

Studies also show that potassium protects blood vessels from thickening. And then becoming damaged from atherosclerosis.

Magnesium is vital in maintaining the best heart health.

Antioxidants like catechins and dopamine in bananas can lower cardiovascular risk.

Bananas and Diabetes

Diabetes is on the rise in South Africa. My brother Lloyd is the latest death statistic in the country due to type 2 diabetes complications.

Studies show that eating high-fibre bananas reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus.


Because of their starch content, those with diabetes must not eat many bananas. Only one banana will suffice.

Bananas and Digestive Health

Are you aware that many people are experiencing constipation and stomach issues? Pharmacies administer many medications to relieve these problems.

However, pectin in bananas prevents constipation and regulates the flow of faeces.

Starch in unripe bananas is a prebiotic. Prebiotics in bananas go directly to the large intestine and become food for good bacteria in your gut.

Bananas and Weight Loss

Bananas have few calories and are rich in fibre. These banana properties help you to be satiated sooner. Fibre in bananas enables you not to eat a lot and helps in weight loss.

Resistant starch in bananas will always keep you full.

Bananas and Kidney Health

Potassium is the key to healthy kidney function and blood pressure regulation.

Bananas Support Mood Balance and Restful Sleep

Research shows that food with high potassium content enables you to sleep better.

Bananas contain tryptophan, an amino acid that is also a natural sedative that converts to serotonin, a sleep-promoting neurotransmitter.

Bananas’ Side Effects on Health

At the beginning of this article, we raised a question – “Are bananas good for you?”

Bananas can cause side effects on health.

Consuming a large proportion of potassium

Bananas are rich in potassium. However, you may suffer from hyperkalaemia if you have large amounts of potassium. Hyperkalaemia can result in chest pains and irregular heartbeat.


Bananas trigger allergic reactions in some people.

You may experience itching, swelling, wheezing, hives, or difficulty in breathing.

When you experience these symptoms, seek medical help.

Anaphylaxis can result, which can cause death.


Some people suffer from migraines after eating bananas.

Migraines can be related to a compound tyramine. Tyramines comes from the amino acid tyrosine.

Kidney Problems

Some people with kidney disease can accumulate potassium in their kidneys. This accumulation of potassium can be problematic.

If you have this problem, consult with your doctor before eating bananas.

How to Store Bananas in South Africa?

There are different ways to store bananas for longer, depending on how ripe they are and how you want to use them. Here are some tips:

  • Cut and freeze in an airtight bag for later use. You can use it for smoothies or desserts.
  • Freeze them for later use. Peel and chop or mash bananas, then store them in containers.
  • Wrap the stems in cling film to maintain their freshness at room temperature. This method will slow down the ripening process.

Health Benefits of Bananas in South Africa and Your Diet

Fresh bananas are available year-round. Refrigerated bananas ripen slowly. The outer peel changes colour in the fridge, and the banana stays intact longer.

Following are tips for using bananas in your diet:

  • Slice the banana and add to your morning cereal or oatmeal for breakfast.
  • Use ripe bananas and mash them to replace butter or oil in baked goods.
  • Add mashed bananas to muffins, cookies, and cakes for a naturally sweet flavour.
  • Add bananas to a smoothie.


This is the end of your journey in exploring the health benefits of bananas in South Africa.

Bananas are the most well-known and widely consumed fruit worldwide. Not only are they nutritious, but eating them is good for your heart, digestive system, waistline, and sleep patterns.

So, if you enjoy bananas, organically grown ones are essential. And you can use bananas in creative and fun ways. These include smoothies, desserts, and savoury entrees — peel and all!

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