What are the Health Benefits of Eating Maize?

Do you remember the time when you grilled maize outside? In the darkness of the evening and experiencing a slight blowing wind with that maize aroma?
I can imagine you never thought of the health benefits of eating maize.
Maize or mielies is the most popular staple food in South Africa.
In this article, we’ll look at the origins of this cereal. What are its health benefits? And the downside of eating maize.
What is Maize?
We call it maize in South Africa. But in the United States, it is corn. We also call it mielies.
Maize came from Southern Mexico. In Southern Mexico, indigenous planted maize approximately 10,000 years ago. Maize’s scientific name is Zea mays.
Maize in South Africa

Unsplash/Pablo Garcia Saldana
Maize is a vital food crop in South Africa. It is the main dietary staple for most people living in the country.
South Africa is the world’s top maize producer. In 2021/2022, it was number nine of world maize producers. South Africa produces fourteen million tons of maize per year. Two million tonnes of maize grown is yellow maize.
Nutritional Facts of Maize
Corn, also known as maize or mielies, is a staple food in many South African and worldwide cultures.
It is a versatile and nutritious grain you can enjoy in various ways. But aside from its delicious taste, what are corn’s benefits? Before exploring maize’s health benefits, what are its nutritional facts?
The nutrition values per 100 g serving of corn:
Energy 3.64 kcal
Water 10.8 g
Nitrogen 0. 99 g
Protein 6.2 g
Total Fat 0.46 g
Carbohydrates 80.8 g
Fibre 4.3 g
Sugars (Total). 1.04 g
Sucrose 0.67 g
Glucose 0.24 g
Fructose 0.13 g
Calcium, Ca 0 mg.
Iron, Fe 4.44 mg
Magnesium, Mg 30.1 mg
Phosphorus, P 92 mg
Potassium, K 144 mg
Zinc, Zn 0.62 mg
Copper, Cu 0.082 mg
Manganese, Mn 0.172 mg
Selenium, Se 8.3 µg
Molybdenum, Mo 16.4 µg
Vitamins and Other components
Thiamine 0.662 mg
Riboflavin 0.354 mg
Niacin 5.75 mg
Folate, total 155 µg
A lot of people want to eat healthy foods. The challenge is they need to figure out where to start. And what the health benefits of some healthy foods are?
That is why we will now look at the health benefits of eating maize.
The Health Benefits of Eating Maize

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Maize contains carotenoid antioxidants, lutein, and zeaxanthin. It also boasts flavonoids, sterols, and tannins. Moreover, maize is a rich source of essential amino acids. Amino acids include isoleucine, tryptophan, valine, methionine, and threonine.
Maize thus significantly boosts best health outcomes.
Maize and Eye Health
Infections and old age may result in macular degeneration and cataracts. These health conditions are the world’s most common visual impairments. They are also critical causes of blindness.
Maize consists of antioxidants, carotenoids, lutein, and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants destroy free radicals from optic tissues and enhance eyesight.
Lutein and zeaxanthin are the significant carotenoids in maize. These antioxidants account for approximately seventy per cent of the total carotenoid content.
Research shows that high levels of carotenoids in your blood reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.
Is Maize Good for Diabetics?
Can maize help regulate blood sugar?
Phytochemicals in maize help lower the risk of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes.
The high fibre content in maize can help regulate blood sugar levels. Fibre enables the slowing down of the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream. This process prevents spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels.
Preventing spikes in blood sugar levels helps in diabetic conditions and those at risk of developing diabetes.
Eating maize regulates insulin levels and enhances your blood flow.
Maize Promotes Nervous System Function
Eating maize in moderation helps in enhancing nerve impulse conduction. Amino acid tryptophan activates memory centres in the brain and helps relax the mind.
The tryptophan brings about balance in the levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter. Maize helps in treating anxiety and insomnia. Serotonin does this by maintaining good moods and promoting sound sleep.
With that sound sleep, can maize have any benefits for the heart?
Is Maize Good for the Heart?
Maize does not contain cholesterol or sodium, thus suitable for heart health.
Maize also has an abundance of dietary fibre and niacin. Fibre and niacin help to enhance good HDL levels and diminish harmful LDL levels.
This process inhibits plaque and fatty deposits in the heart vessels. When the facilitation of plaque and fatty deposits occurs, it eases cardiac muscle function and improves heart health.
Is Maize Good for Gut Health?
Maize gut health is critical to understand.
Many people suffer from stomach pain, abnormal bowel movements, diarrhoea, flatulence, and constipation. How can these people benefit from eating maize?
Maize has fibre that enhances gastrointestinal function.
Eating foods with high fibre content positively influences bowel movement. Fibre regulates faecal bulk and promotes easy food and other materials flow within the intestines.
Maize stimulates health, metabolism, and digestion.
Ensures Healthy Pregnancy
Does eating maize play any role in healthy pregnancy?
When you are pregnant and eat measured portions of maize, you gain significant benefits for your health.
High iron and calcium content in maize is ideal to stimulate milk production. Iron and calcium also balance hormonal activities in expecting women and young mothers.
Healthy Weight Gain
Do you want to gain weight? Or do you want your baby to gain an extra healthy weight?
Maize’s nutritional content is ideal for meeting a growing child’s ever-expanding nutrient requirements.
High starch content in maize plays a role in healthy weight gain in children.
Maize and High Blood Pressure
Can eating maize affect your blood pressure?
Foods affect blood pressure in a variety of ways. Most foods contain high levels of nutrients capable of reducing blood pressure.
Concentrated sources of vitamins and fibre are in the bran and the germ of maize.
The fibre in whole grain foods such as maize is critical in helping reduce blood pressure.
Maize is also rich in potassium. Potassium functions as a critical electrolyte in the body. Eating maize helps to lower high blood pressure.
Is Maize Gluten-Free?
Many people ask themselves whether there is gluten in the maize.
Some people, young and old, tend to develop intolerance toward the gluten proteins in cereals like wheat.
Maize, in its natural form, is gluten-free. People with gluten tolerance can use maize to substitute for wheat. Maize is suitable for patients with celiac disease.
Optimum Bone Density
Maize is a rich source of natural calcium. Calcium strengthens bones in growing children. It also restores optimum bone density in older people.
Optimization of bone density helps in alleviating osteoporosis symptoms.
Corn and Anaemia
Corn, or maize in South Africa, contains vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is a nutrient necessary for maintaining healthy levels of pyridoxine.
Pyridoxine deficiency can cause anaemia. It may also increase the risk of developing heart disease, depression, and premenstrual syndrome.
Iron deficiency anaemia affects many people. This deficiency leads to fatigue and low productivity.
Maize is rich in iron. Iron increases the haemoglobin levels in the blood.
Eating maize helps in the prevention of anaemia.
The Side Effects of Eating Maize
Are there any side effects in eating this nutritious, whole food, plant-based grain?
Antinutrients in maize
Maize contains antinutrients. These are phytates resulting in phytic acid.
These compounds, phytic acid, keep your body from absorbing nutrients such as iron and zinc as the body should.
Soaking maize helps remove many of them.
At times, maize gets contaminated by fungi. The fungi put off toxins called mycotoxins that are considered a significant health concern.
Mycotoxins in maize are fumonisins, aflatoxins, and trichothecenes.
If you eat a lot of maize containing these toxins, you are at a higher risk for certain cancers. You also experience liver problems, lung issues, and the slowing down of your immune system.
Maize Intolerance
Some people having celiac disease react when eating maize. Celiac disease is a disorder that causes an autoimmune response when you eat gluten.
Various symptoms of gluten intolerance include fatigue, bloating, diarrhoea, and weight loss.
When suffering from celiac disease, eat gluten-free meals.
Consuming maize may also cause a symptom rise if you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
In conclusion, corn (maize, mielies) is a delicious grain with various health benefits.
Maize is rich in antioxidant carotenoids, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, that promote eye health.
Corn is a nutritious addition to any diet, from its high fibre content to its essential nutrients. Grab some fresh maize in your supermarket and reap the benefits of this delicious grain.
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