Plant-Based Foods Rich In Vitamin B12

Plant-Based Foods Rich In Vitamin B12

Almost everyone who has gone plant-based confronts the question of where one will get Vitamin B12.

It’s incredible.

This post is going to reveal plant-based foods rich in Vitamin B12.

Are there plant-based foods rich in Vitamin B12 that you don’t know of?

Cracking the B12 Code: Plant-Based Foods You Didn’t Know Were Onboard

Vitamin B12, vital for production and nervous system function, can be tricky for those following a plant-based diet. 

While traditionally found in animal products, getting enough B12 on plant-based foods and a vegan path is doable!


Let’s crack open the code on plant-based foods that pack a B12 punch alongside some surprising contenders:

Fortified Foods: Your Plant-Based B12 BFFs (best friends forever)

Fortified foods are champions for plant-based enthusiasts and vegans.

Plant-based milk (soy, almond, oat), cereals, and yoghurts are often fortified with a good chunk of your daily B12 needs. 

Check the label – some brands offer B12 levels that hit your daily target in a single serving!

Nutritional Yeast: The B12 Powerhouse

These cheesy-flavoured deactivated yeast flakes are a B12 goldmine. 

Sprinkle it on popcorn or pasta, or add a nutty, umami boost to your morning scramble. 

Just a tablespoon can fulfil a significant portion of your daily B12 requirement.

Seaweed Snacks: A B12 Blast From The Ocean

Nori, the seaweed used in sushi, is a surprising source of B12. Just a few sheets can meet your daily needs! 

Other seaweeds like wakame and dulse can also contribute to your B12 intake. 

Enjoy them in soups, salads, or straight out of the bag for a salty, satisfying snack.


Watch that salt!

What about the mushroom syndicate?

The Mushroom Mystery: Shiitakes With a B12 Bonus


Pexels/Bluebird Provision

Here’s a fun fact: Shiitake mushrooms can contain some B12. 

While the exact amount can vary, they add a delightful umami flavour to meals and meals. They can contribute to your overall B12 intake.

But how much B12 is in mushrooms?

While these plant-based foods offer some B12, it may only sometimes be enough to meet one’s daily needs consistently. 

Research also gives us vitamin B12-containing plant-based sources for Vegetarians.

Consulting a registered dietitian and considering a B12 supplement can ensure optimal B12 levels for a healthy and energized you!

Take this tip

 Certain factors can affect B12 absorption. To improve absorption, limit coffee and alcohol intake and space out calcium supplements from your B12 sources.

So, ditch the myth that B12 is exclusive to animal products. With some planning and these plant-based options, you can thrive on a plant-based diet without missing a beat!

Beyond Food: Important Considerations for Plant-Based B12

Not all B12 is Created Equal:

While these plant-based sources offer a fantastic boost, it’s essential to define the two main types of B12:


This B12 is the most common form in fortified foods and supplements. While effective, absorption rates can be lower.

Methylcobalamin & Adenosylcobalamin

These are the natural forms in animal products and some fermented plant-based foods. They generally have higher absorption rates.

Maximizing B12 Absorption

Here are some tips to get the most out of your plant-based B12 sources:

Limit Coffee and Alcohol

They can interfere with B12 absorption. Enjoy them in moderation, and space them out from B12-rich meals.

Space Out Calcium

Calcium from supplements or fortified foods can also hinder B12 uptake. Aim for a two-hour window between calcium and B12 sources.

Consider a Digestive Enzyme Supplement

Some people may benefit from adding a digestive enzyme, like an intrinsic factor, which aids B12 absorption. However, consult your doctor before starting any new supplements.

Dietitians Are Your B12 Allies

While these plant-based foods rich in vitamin B12 are great additions to your diet, individual needs vary. A registered dietitian can help you:

Assess Your B12 Status

Blood tests can determine your B12 levels and if supplementation is necessary.

Create A personalized B12 Plan

When you consult dietitians they will assess what and how much your body needs of vitamin B12. Then, they can recommend the right amount and type of B12 supplement.

Address Any Underlying Issues

Certain health conditions can affect B12 absorption. A dietitian can help identify and address them.

Just heads up

Consulting a dietitian is an investment in your long-term health. They can ensure you get enough B12 to keep you energized and thriving on your plant-based journey!

So there you have it! With some planning and these delicious plant-based options, getting enough B12 on a vegan or vegetarian diet is a breeze. 

Remember, while these foods are fantastic sources, individual needs can vary. Consulting a registered dietitian can ensure you have a personalized B12 plan that keeps you energized and thriving on your plant-powered journey. 

Embrace the adventure of exploring new flavours, and rest assured, a healthy, B12-rich, plant-based life is absolutely within reach!


There you have it! 

We’ve given you plant-based foods rich in Vitamin B12.

What steps are you going to take?

With some planning and these plant-based B12 powerhouses, you can conquer the B12 challenge on your plant-based eating path. 

Are you going for fortified foods or Vitamin B12 plant-based foods?

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